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  * #%L
  * - mongodb-async-driver - Allanbank Consulting, Inc.
  * %%
  * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Allanbank Consulting, Inc.
  * %%
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
  * #L%
 import java.nio.charset.Charset;
 import com.allanbank.mongodb.bson.Document;
  * A wrapper for an {@link OutputStream} to handle writing BSON primitives.
  * @api.yes This class is part of the driver's API. Public and protected members
  *          will be deprecated for at least 1 non-bugfix release (version
  *          numbers are <major>.<minor>.<bugfix>) before being
  *          removed or modified.
  * @copyright 2011-2013, Allanbank Consulting, Inc., All Rights Reserved
 public class BsonOutputStream {
     /** UTF-8 Character set for encoding strings. */
 40  1
     public final static Charset UTF8 = StringDecoder.UTF8;
     /** Any thrown exceptions. */
     protected IOException myError;
     /** Output buffer for spooling the written document. */
     protected final OutputStream myOutput;
     /** The encoder for strings. */
     protected final StringEncoder myStringEncoder;
     /** The visitor for writing BSON documents. */
     protected final WriteVisitor myWriteVisitor;
      * Creates a new {@link BsonOutputStream}.
      * @param output
      *            The underlying Stream to write to.
     public BsonOutputStream(final OutputStream output) {
 61  3328
         this(output, new StringEncoderCache());
 62  3328
      * Creates a new {@link BsonOutputStream}.
      * @param output
      *            The underlying Stream to write to.
      * @param cache
      *            The cache for encoding string.
     public BsonOutputStream(final OutputStream output,
 73  3328
             final StringEncoderCache cache) {
 74  3328
         myOutput = output;
 75  3328
         myStringEncoder = new StringEncoder(cache);
 76  3328
         myWriteVisitor = new WriteVisitor(this);
 77  3328
      * Returns the I/O exception encountered by the visitor.
      * @return The I/O exception encountered by the visitor.
     public IOException getError() {
 85  0
         return myError;
      * Returns the maximum number of strings that may have their encoded form
      * cached.
      * @return The maximum number of strings that may have their encoded form
      *         cached.
      * @deprecated The cache {@link StringEncoderCache} should be controlled
      *             directory. This method will be removed after the 2.1.0
      *             release.
     public int getMaxCachedStringEntries() {
 100  0
         return myStringEncoder.getCache().getMaxCacheEntries();
      * Returns the maximum length for a string that the stream is allowed to
      * cache.
      * @return The maximum length for a string that the stream is allowed to
      *         cache.
      * @deprecated The cache {@link StringDecoderCache} should be controlled
      *             directory. This method will be removed after the 2.1.0
      *             release.
     public int getMaxCachedStringLength() {
 115  0
         return myStringEncoder.getCache().getMaxCacheLength();
      * Returns the encoder value.
      * @return The encoder value.
     public StringEncoder getStringEncoder() {
 124  0
         return myStringEncoder;
      * Returns true if the visitor had an I/O error.
      * @return True if the visitor had an I/O error, false otherwise.
     public boolean hasError() {
 133  4766
         return (myError != null);
      * Clears any errors.
     public void reset() {
 140  4766
         myError = null;
 141  4766
      * Sets the value of maximum number of strings that may have their encoded
      * form cached.
      * @param maxCacheEntries
      *            The new value for the maximum number of strings that may have
      *            their encoded form cached.
      * @deprecated The cache {@link StringEncoderCache} should be controlled
      *             directory. This method will be removed after the 2.1.0
      *             release.
     public void setMaxCachedStringEntries(final int maxCacheEntries) {
 156  0
 157  0
      * Sets the value of length for a string that the stream is allowed to cache
      * to the new value. This can be used to stop a single long string from
      * pushing useful values out of the cache.
      * @param maxlength
      *            The new value for the length for a string that the encoder is
      *            allowed to cache.
      * @deprecated The cache {@link StringEncoderCache} should be controlled
      *             directory. This method will be removed after the 2.1.0
      *             release.
     public void setMaxCachedStringLength(final int maxlength) {
 173  0
 175  0
      * Returns the size of the writing the {@link Document} as a BSON document.
      * @param document
      *            The document to determine the size of.
      * @return The size of the writing {@link Document} as a BSON document.
      * @deprecated Replaced with {@link Document#size()}. This method will be
      *             removed after the 2.2.0 release.
     public int sizeOf(final Document document) {
 188  0
         return (int) document.size();
      * Returns the size of the writing the <tt>strings</tt> as a c-string.
      * @param strings
      *            The 'C' strings to determine the size of.
      * @return The size of the writing the <tt>strings</tt> as a c-string.
     public int sizeOfCString(final String... strings) {
 199  2017
         int size = 0;
 200  7506
         for (final String string : strings) {
 201  5489
             size += myWriteVisitor.utf8Size(string);
 203  2017
         return (size + 1);
      * Returns the size of the writing the <tt>string</tt> as a string.
      * @param string
      *            The 'UTF8' string to determine the size of.
      * @return The size of the writing the <tt>string</tt> as a string.
     public int sizeOfString(final String string) {
 214  0
         return 4 + myWriteVisitor.utf8Size(string) + 1;
      * Writes a single byte to the stream.
      * @param b
      *            The byte to write.
     public void writeByte(final byte b) {
         try {
 225  16315
 227  0
         catch (final IOException ioe) {
 228  0
             myError = ioe;
 229  16316
 230  16316
      * Writes a sequence of bytes to the under lying stream.
      * @param data
      *            The bytes to write.
     public void writeBytes(final byte[] data) {
         try {
 240  13
 242  0
         catch (final IOException ioe) {
 243  0
             myError = ioe;
 244  13
 245  13
      * Writes a "Cstring" to the stream.
      * @param strings
      *            The CString to write. The strings are concatenated into a
      *            single CString value.
     public void writeCString(final String... strings) {
 255  15806
         for (final String string : strings) {
 256  9639
 258  6167
         writeByte((byte) 0);
 259  6167
      * Writes a BSON {@link Document} to the stream.
      * @param document
      *            The {@link Document} to write.
      * @throws IOException
      *             On a failure writing the document.
     public void writeDocument(final Document document) throws IOException {
         try {
 271  4766
 272  4766
             if (myWriteVisitor.hasError()) {
 273  0
                 throw myWriteVisitor.getError();
         finally {
 277  4766
 278  4766
 279  4766
      * Write the integer value in little-endian byte order.
      * @param value
      *            The integer to write.
     public void writeInt(final int value) {
         try {
 289  30871
 290  30871
             myOutput.write(value >> 8);
 291  30871
             myOutput.write(value >> 16);
 292  30871
             myOutput.write(value >> 24);
 294  0
         catch (final IOException ioe) {
 295  0
             myError = ioe;
 296  30871
 297  30871
      * Write the long value in little-endian byte order.
      * @param value
      *            The long to write.
     public void writeLong(final long value) {
         try {
 307  2297
             myOutput.write((int) value);
 308  2297
             myOutput.write((int) (value >> 8));
 309  2297
             myOutput.write((int) (value >> 16));
 310  2297
             myOutput.write((int) (value >> 24));
 311  2297
             myOutput.write((int) (value >> 32));
 312  2297
             myOutput.write((int) (value >> 40));
 313  2297
             myOutput.write((int) (value >> 48));
 314  2297
             myOutput.write((int) (value >> 56));
 316  0
         catch (final IOException ioe) {
 317  0
             myError = ioe;
 318  2297
 319  2297
      * Writes a "string" to the stream.
      * @param string
      *            The String to write.
     public void writeString(final String string) {
 328  518
         writeInt(myStringEncoder.encodeSize(string) + 1);
 329  518
 330  518
         writeByte((byte) 0);
 331  518
      * Writes a sequence of bytes to the under lying stream.
      * @param data
      *            The bytes to write.
      * @param offset
      *            The offset into the buffer to start writing data from.
      * @param length
      *            The number of bytes to write.
     protected void writeBytes(final byte[] data, final int offset,
             final int length) {
         try {
 346  0
             myOutput.write(data, offset, length);
 348  0
         catch (final IOException ioe) {
 349  0
             myError = ioe;
 350  0
 351  0
      * Writes the string as a UTF-8 string. This method handles the
      * "normal/easy" cases and delegates to the full character set if things get
      * complicated.
      * @param string
      *            The string to encode.
     protected void writeUtf8(final String string) {
         try {
 363  10157
             myStringEncoder.encode(string, myOutput);
 365  0
         catch (final IOException ioe) {
 366  0
             myError = ioe;
 367  10157
 368  10157