Using the Aggregation Support Classes

The driver provides a complete set of support classes for constructing arbitrary Aggregation pipelines. In this guide we will step through each of the current pipeline operators and discuss the support classes provided for each.

The purpose of this documentation is not to provide the complete details for each operator but instead to give pointers to the classes provided and examples of their use. See the Javadoc for each class for full details.

Aggregate Command / Builder

The first support class is the Aggregate class and its associated Aggregate.Builder. The builder provides support for each of the pipeline operators as well as a generic step(...) method so future operators can be supported before the builder is updated. You can create a builder from the static builder() method of the Aggregate class:

Aggregate.Builder builder = Aggregate.builder();


The $geoNear operator construction is done via the AggregationGeoNear and associated AggregationGeoNear.Builder. The builder requires the location and distanceField to be specified. You may find the GeoJson.p(...) static method useful for quickly creating Point2D objects for the location field.

Aggregate.Builder builder = Aggregate.builder();

builder.geoNear( AggregationGeoNear.builder().location( GeoJson.p( 12.0, 14.5 ) ).distanceField( "distanceField" ) );

For complete details of the $geoNear operator and the fields supported by the operator see the $geoNear (aggregation) documentation.


The $group operator has two parts. The first specifies the fields to be used to construct the key for each group. The second specifies the group operations that are to be applied for each member of the group.

To help construct the group id portion of the operator the AggregationGroupId class contains 3 static methods:

  1. Use AggregationGroupId.constantId(String) when all documents are to be combined into a single group.
  2. Use when a single field value from each input document is used to determine the appropriate group.
  3. Use when a combination of fields from the input document is used to determine the appropriate group. An example of using this method is provided below.

For the group operations portion of the operator the driver provides the AggregationGroupField support class. To use the class simply invoke the static set(String) method with the field to create in the group's results. The set(String) method returns an AggregationGroupField.Builder. This builder provides a helper methods for all of the possible group aggregations functions.

Aggregate.Builder builder = Aggregate.builder();
   // Group documents on the city and state."city").addField("state"),
   // Then compute the average, min, and max size for each neighborhood in the city.
   AggregationGroupField.set("min_size").minimum("size") );

For complete details of the $group operator and the fields supported by the operator see the $group (aggregation) documentation.


The $limit operator accepts a single integer or long field specifying the maximum number of documents to pass to the next stage of the pipeline.

Aggregate.Builder builder = Aggregate.builder();

builder.limit( 25 );

For complete details of the $limit operator see the $limit (aggregation) documentation.


The $match operator expects a single query document to match or exclude documents in the pipeline. The driver's QueryBuilder class provides extensive support for creating arbitrarily complex queries.

Aggregate.Builder builder = Aggregate.builder();

builder.match( QueryBuilder.where( "f" ).lessThan( 25.6 ) );

For complete details of the $match operator see the $match (aggregation) documentation.


The $project operator provides the ability to reshape the documents in the aggregation pipeline. Similar to the $group operator, $project contains two parts. The first specifies the fields to include in their current form in the output document and, optionally, to exclude the _id field. The second part provides a template for the rest of the output document and supports computing the value of fields from expressions.

For the first portion, fields to copy into the output document, the driver provides the AggregationProjectFields class with 2 static methods. The first, include(String...), specifies the fields to copy and will include the _id field by default. The second, includeWithoutId(String...), does the same thing but explicitly excludes the _id field.

Construction of the template for the remaining fields relies on the driver's DocumentBuilder to create the basic document scaffolding. Expressions support is layered on top with the Expressions class.

To get started with Expressions use the static set(String, Expression) method. The first field specifies the name of the field to be set. The second field specifies the expression to use to compute the field. As one would expect the expressions can be composed into increasing complex expressions.

long interval = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis( 5 );

Aggregate.Builder builder = Aggregate.builder();

        AggregationProjectFields.include("label", "begin", "end"),
                        Expressions.mod(Expressions.field("begin"), Expressions.constant(interval))),

Expressions can also be used within the structure of a document created via a DocumentBuilder.

long interval = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis( 5 );

DocumentBuilder skeleton = BuilderFactory.start();

skeleton.push( "subDoc" )
        .add( Expressions.set( "end", 
                   Expressions.add( Expressions.field("start"), Expressions.field("duration") ) ) );

        AggregationProjectFields.include("label", "begin", "end"),

For complete details of the $project operator and the fields supported by the operator see the $project (aggregation) documentation.


The $skip operator accepts a single integer or long field specifying the number of documents to skip in the pipeline before passing any documents to the next step in the pipeline.

Aggregate.Builder builder = Aggregate.builder();

builder.skip( 100 );

For complete details of the $skip operator see the $skip (aggregation) documentation.


The $sort operator accepts an array of field names and sort order values to specify the order that documents should be forwarded from this point in the pipeline. The Sort class provides helper methods for quickly constructing the appropriate sort specification.

Aggregate.Builder builder = Aggregate.builder();

builder.sort( Sort.asc( "day_of_week" ),  Sort.desc( "count" ) );

For complete details of the $sort operator and the fields supported by the operator see the $sort (aggregation) documentation.


The $unwind operator accepts a single field name for an array that will cause a new document to be generated for each value in the array. For each value a new document will be created by replacing the array field in the original document.

Aggregate.Builder builder = Aggregate.builder();

builder.unwind( "tags" );

For complete details of the $unwind operator and the fields supported by the operator see the $unwind (aggregation) documentation.

Putting It All Together

The aggregation command is intended to allow the construction of arbitrarily complex pipelines to be efficiently processed by MongoDB. The driver's support classes for the Aggregation command have also been constructed to work together. As a small example of the power of the support classes to enhance the readability of the constructed pipelines consider the following pipeline inspired by an example in the MongoDB documentation:

 import static com.allanbank.mongodb.builder.AggregationGroupField.set;
 import static;
 import static com.allanbank.mongodb.builder.AggregationProjectFields.includeWithoutId;
 import static com.allanbank.mongodb.builder.QueryBuilder.where;
 import static com.allanbank.mongodb.builder.Sort.asc;
 import static com.allanbank.mongodb.builder.Sort.desc;
 import static com.allanbank.mongodb.builder.expression.Expressions.field;
 import static com.allanbank.mongodb.builder.expression.Expressions.set;
 DocumentBuilder b1 = BuilderFactory.start();
 DocumentBuilder b2 = BuilderFactory.start();
 Aggregate.Builder builder = Aggregate.builder();
                 set("state", field("_id")),
                         b1.add(set("name", field("biggestcity"))).add(
                                 set("pop", field("biggestpop")))),
                         b2.add(set("name", field("smallestcity"))).add(
                                 set("pop", field("smallestpop")))))